image of Wrinkle Coat
image of Wrinkle Coat

Wrinkle Coat

Wrinkle Coat is a highly durable, textured paint system that brings differentiation and originality to residential, commercial and architectural buildings. Typical applications include roof panels, wall panels and other building accessories.

The textured coating gives building products a consistent attractive appearance. It offers superior weatherability with a high resistance to chalking, fading and scratching.

Available Colours

Wrinkle Coat

Colour Matching

Colour can vary slightly between paint batches and production runs. As well, different paint systems will weather differently over extended periods of time. To improve colour matching and minimize the risk of varying colours on a building, we recommend:

  1. Order enough material of each colour from one supplier to complete the project
  2. Cross reference previous orders if additional material is required for a project
  3. If replacing damaged sheets, try to use other existing sheets in the repair area and install new sheets all in one elevation

Measurement Type